Akash Kumar Goel

Akash Kumar Goel

Reading list

1 story

How to Take a Difficult Decision
Akash Kumar Goel

Akash Kumar Goel


16 stories

Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.” — Albert Einstein
The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.” — Michael Altshuler
Tip 1 use magic words
Akash Kumar Goel

Akash Kumar Goel

Sell On Amazon

28 stories

amazon step program
amazon easy ship courier
how to schedule an easy order
Akash Kumar Goel

Akash Kumar Goel

Empowering Entrepreneurs

32 stories

a good name for business
movies for entrepreneurs on netflix
7 Habits of the Most Successful Entrepreneurs Ever
Akash Kumar Goel

Akash Kumar Goel

To Do List Secrets: A Short & Practical Guide to get a Lot More Done using Effective To-Do Lists

2 stories

To Do List Secrets
To Do List Secrets
Akash Kumar Goel

Akash Kumar Goel

Entrepreneur at Heart. Hands-on experience at managing a business. Enjoys sharing knowledge about entrepreneurship and lifestyle.